The Official Update:
I had a Dr. appointment today and the news was fairly encouraging. The Dr. said I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Women can stay at 1 cm for a while, but she said I was "pretty soft", which I suppose indicates that things are moving along. She also said the baby was still pretty high, which with Ezra meant "no time soon". But she said that doesn't matter so much with a second baby. However, all that being said, she made my next appointment for 2 weeks from today (instead of 1 week). So she obviously thinks I will still be pregnant in two weeks. I was just happy to hear that things are beginning to change in preparation for labor and delivery. My main concern, as it was last time, is having to have a C-section. Please pray for a natural delivery and a healthy baby!
Ezra also had an appointment today. It was a follow up from a month ago when he was sick and had an ear infection. He actually had fluid in his ear canal, so the check up was to see if that was still there. It was. So he has another appointment in 3 or 4 weeks to check again. The Dr. said if the fluid remains for 4 months or longer, they have to put tubes in his ears to drain it. I asked if there was anything we could be doing to try to get the fluid out/dry it up etc, and he said no. His other ear is really full of wax though. So much so, that the Dr. can't even see his ear drum. So we are supposed to be trying to get that under control so the Dr. can better assess both ears. Please be praying that the fluid magically disappears by the next Dr. appointment. We DO NOT want to have them put tubes in Ezra's ears. The only good thing is that it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain or annoyance. Ezra's his usual, happy self.
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