Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

I bought our matching shirts for the 4th of July, but found that they worked equally as well for Memorial Day.

Here in Houston it was a soggy, rainy day, but at least PapPa's brisket was good.
Ezra's enjoying bath time more and more. He makes things difficult however, when he insists on laying in the little tub, rather than sitting in it.

On Saturday, we went for a walk and got soaked in a sudden downpour. After that, we had a big cleaning day around the house and he was not content to sit in his swing. So I put him in the carrier and he "helped".

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ezra is 14 weeks. I took him to the Dr. last Friday (to get his 2 month immunizations) and he weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs. 1 oz. and 24 inches. He feels every bit of 14 lbs. and I know he's just going to get heavier. The shots were sad. A necessary evil (I suppose....), but such a horrible experience. Ezra ran a fever and was fussy ALL day long. Poor kid.
He's sucking on his fingers a lot. Not so much his thumb as his fingers. But he was extra sucky tonight so I attempted the pacifier once again (he's never really taken it) and he's kept it in his mouth for longer than he ever has before. So we'll see.
In the past week, he's rolled over (tummy to back) a couple of times and been super close to rolling back to tummy. He's turned all the way face down, but can't get his arm from underneath him. So close!
I think that's pretty much all that's worth writing about. Except for the shots, all is well and we are enjoying our time at home (missing Mike though...).

Monday, May 14, 2007

Today I enjoyed my first Mother's Day. It's a wonderful thing to be a mom. It's everything I hoped it would be a SO much more. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such a beautiful baby boy. I got to share him with the church today in our dedication service. The picture on the right is of the "Greer" mothers (my Dad's Mom--"Meme" and my Mom).
It was so nice for Mike's family to come out and celebrate with us. (Great) Grandma Allison is holding Ezra in this picture. He is her 16th great-grand child.

Ezra also loves his Grandpa Allison (Mike's Dad). I think they've already bonded over their mutual love for Chicago (the band). Ezra was mesmerized by the Chicago t-shirt Grandpa Allison was wearing the first time they met.

Although it doesn't really show in this picture Ezra is a big fan of his cousins Patrick and Armani. Poor little guy. At this point, he was tired of being cute and just wanted to go home.

Ginger is having to get used to a baby in the house. We thought this was too cute and very telling of Ginger's inner feelings about Ezra. To me, it seems as if she is screaming, "Pay attention to me!! I can be a baby too...". :)

Ezra loves for Nanna to rock him to sleep in the recliner.

Here's Ezra sitting on Grandpa's belly. They are having loads of fun.
Last is a picture of our happy boy. So sweet!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Saturday was Ezra's first beach outing. At first I was sad that the gross Galveston beach would be his first experience, but I thought, "If it was good enough for Mike and I when we kids, it would be fine for Ezra." It was actually kind of nice because the water was already pretty warm, and the waves were small enough to be fun, but not dangerous. Ezra really had no opinion concerning the matter. He definitely wasn't sad or mad about being in the water, but I can't say that he was overly enjoying himself either. He tolerated it and gave no protest when we decided we were done. My friend Jennifer was kind enough to go with me to hang out and help with all his baby gear and so we laid on the beach, while he took a little nap in the shade. I didn't want to keep him in the sun for too long so we went back to the beach house shortly after that. Overall, I'd say his first beach experience was a resounding success.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

We made it to Houston safe and sound. It was a long trip, but Ezra was an angel.

The picture on the left is Ezra sleeping in cradle that my Grandpa made. We need to get a piece of foam to cut for a mattress, because what we have in there is NOT the right size. It is pressed into the bottom and the sides of the cradle make it slope up, so when Ezra is in there we call it an "Ezra taco". He doesn't sleep in there overnight, but I put him in there for a nap and it didn't seem to bother him.

He hasn't rolled over yet, but he's trying really hard.

Here's Ezra with his very proud Nana. It's all we can do to make her go to school every day instead of staying home to play with the baby.

The picture on the right is Ezra hanging out with his PapPa (great-grandfather). They are already best buddies.