Sunday, April 27, 2008

The pictures on the left are of me at 33 weeks with Ezra. The pictures on the right are of me at 33 weeks with Jonas. Of course, the ones with Ezra were taken in December, so there are little red berries on the bush I'm standing next to. Currently, there are no red berries on the bush. I only mention that because I'm sure the berrries (or lack of) are a factor in how big I look. Ha, ha. Yeah, he seems pretty "out there"

compared to Ezra.

A lady at church told me Wed. night, "Every time I see you, I just think 'Oh Lord, don't let her bust!'" I thought that was funny. We went to our local pizza place last night and the Italian lady in there told me that she was sure I would go that night or the next day. Yeah right.

Today is my 27th b-day. Mike got me a beautiful cake that we shared with our Sunday school class, then he took me to my favorite restraunt for lunch, I opened presents at home, and I'm looking forward to a quiet evening at home with my boys.

Last week I mentioned that Ezra was sick. He ended up having a virus and an ear infection. I think he's getting better, but I also think it's one of those things that will take a while to get over--the runny nose, the cough, etc. Of course now, I have it (minus the ear infection--I think). I feel even worse for Ezra because I know how terrible I feel. Thank goodness Mike remains unaffected so far. He's having to take care of both of us--when he's home. Which between work and class, is only 3 nights a week. It has also been a blessing to be able to get out in the sunshine the past couple of days. Ezra's symptoms almost seem to vanish when he gets to run around in the yard. So please keep us in your prayers for a quick recovery. I'm not expecting to go into labor anytime in the next few weeks, but if I did--oh my goodness, I think I would be soooo miserable. I mean, labor and delivery is certainly not pleasant when you're feeling 100%, but to feel like your head is going to fill up with mucus and explode on top of pushing a baby out?? Not something I want to deal with.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

32 weeks!! Hopefully, we'll have a brand new baby to hold in 4-8 weeks.
Aren't the tulips pretty? They're mostly red, but I do have a patch of multi-colored ones on the right. These are in our front yard.
No pictures of Ezra this time. He looks pretty pitiful right now. He's sick with a cough, runny nose, gunky eyes, and a fever. I think we'll try to take him to the Dr. tomorrow.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Growing, growing, growing. Everything I read tells me Jonas should weigh between 3 1/2 and 4 lbs. I'm 31 weeks today and Ezra is 14 months. What color do Ezra's eyes look? They're not nearly as dark as mine, but they are much darker than Mike's. I usually call them hazel for lack of something more specific. In this picture, (because of the shirt) they almost look dark green.

My tulips are about to open. We've had a rainy week with more to come, so sadly, the ones that have opened early tipped over from the rain. :(

I also included a couple of pics from the women's retreat last weekend. We had an activity where we were given an assortment of odds and ends and were told to make an evening gown fit for the Milan catwalk. I was picked to be the model because of my very large, and "distinctive" feature. It was hideous, but a lot of fun. The other picture is the group of ladies that went from Aviano.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I am 30 weeks pregnant today. I don't know why, but that feels
like a milestone. I guess since I'm in the 30's, it seems like the home stretch.

I attended a super wonderful women's retrat this weekend. It was a little hard to leave Ezra, but I knew he was in good hands. It was also nice to let Mike and Ezra have some one-on-one dad/son time. I think that's really important; even as young as Ezra is. They had a blast!! And so did I. But I was really ready to come home at the conclusion of the retreat.

Mike received yet another honor this week. He was Airman of quarter for his flight. Obviously, there's only 4 a year. He was chosen from out of about 150 people. Yea Mike!

This last picture is an example of what happens when you try to take a picture of a 13 1/2 month old that is able to RUN. You have to be fast. Look at all those teeth!