Sunday, May 04, 2008

34 weeks!

I read that this week, our little Jonas Andrew should be making his move more south. Hopefully, it will be evident in next week's picture...

We attended a lady bug birthday party for one of Ezra's friends from church. The weather was awesome! Sunny and 72. Daddy stayed home to study so I seized the opportunity to dress Ezra up like a ladybug. I think my friend Cheryl got a few super cute pictures of Lori (her daughter that's a few HOURS younger than Ezra) and Ezra playing, but I'm waiting for her to email them to me.
In other news, Mike got rear-ended at a stoplight as he was coming home from class Wed. night. It didn't do very much damage--just crunched the bumper/trunk a little. His neck was a little sore, but nothing a couple of Tylenol couldn't take care of thank goodness. Dealing with insurance companies in the States is bad enough, but when you factor in a language barrier.... So we're going through an Italian third party that will take 10% of whatever we get for the car damage. They said it would be a couple of weeks....we shall see.

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