Monday, April 23, 2007

Ezra is 10 weeks (tomorrow). We went to the Dr this morning for a check up, and she said everything looks great. He weighs 12.65 lbs and is 23.2 inches long. We're still waiting for Ezra's passport and praying it comes this week. Mike continues to get ready for deployment and it is fast approaching.
This picture wasn't taken on Friday night (a couple of days before), but
it goes well with the story below.
We had kind of an unfortunate situation on Friday night. I was told
it was funny and to put it on the blog. I hope it doesn't make me seem like a horrible mother. :)
I went to a ladies fellowship on Friday night and left the men-folk at home (Mike and Ezra). I pumped to bottles to leave and was planning to be home by 9. At the fellowship after
I had finished eating, I moved back into the living room to chat so that I could keep an eye on the clock. At 8:30 I started making my way toward the door to leave. About 5 minutes down the road, I get a call from Mike and hear Ezra screaming in the back ground. He says, "Are you coming home soon? I thought you were going to be home by 9." I asked if he was out of milk and he said Ezra wouldn't take the second bottle and had been crying since about 8. I said, "I might be a few minutes late, but I should be there around 9." He said, "It's after 9 right now!" To which I replied, "Ok! I'm on my way." I looked at the clock in the car and it read 9:47. As I sped toward home to feed my hungry and crying baby, I tried to imagine how this could've happened. There was no way I chatted that much on the way out. It then occurred to me that the clock I had been so diligent to keep an eye on, hadn't been sprung forward. The clock was on the wall high above the entertainment center and the lady hosting the party is about 6 mos. pregnant, with a deployed husband. So it's not like she could just shimmy up a ladder to change it.
I got home and fed Ezra. Contrary to what I thought, he survived. Once the situation was explained to Mike, he wasn't quite as mad. It's funny in hindsight, but that night when I had a long drive ahead of me and could hear my baby screaming on the phone, I guarantee you I wasn't laughing. I was praying I didn't get killed as I sped down dark country roads at about 120 km per hour (don't tell the Carabinieri).
I'm off to work out. Gotta get those last couple of lbs off and down to my pre-pregnancy weight before I come home. :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

The first picture is Ezra with his Easter dog. It's big enough that he's able to hold onto it a little and bring it to his mouth. He likes how soft it is and plays with the dog's ears. Although, I don't really think it's intentional.
We took the flower
pictures after church Sunday. We had Ezra's baby dedication so we were in the picture mood. I guess I should re-phrase that to say I was in the picture mood. :) But, Mike and Ezra did cooperate for the most part. The picture of Ezra and me in front of the white flowers is actually in our neighbor's front yard.
Mike and Ezra with the pink and white tulips is in our yard. And the "family portrait" (minus Skyla) in front of the purple Irises is in our yard. We have quite the variety don't we? No thanks to me. All these beautiful flowers were already in our yard, and they survive and bloom every year with no help from me.
We go to the Dr. for Ezra's 2 month check up next Monday. He will actually be 10 weeks. So, I will report on weight and any other news next week.
A kind soul has graciously volunteered to keep Skyla for us while Ezra and I are in the States so hopefully we'll get Ezra's passport in the next couple of weeks and we'll be all set to arrive in the States the first week of May. Keep praying that it all works out like we hope it will!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter! What a cute boy in his new Easter outfit?! There are many fields of yellow flowers on our drive from our house to the base. I made Mike pull over and trespass with me so we could snap this picture. If you click on the picture it should enlarge and you can see the snow on the mountain behind me. The picture with the red tulips was taken in our front yard.
Mike and Ezra decorated the Peeps that Ezra received in his Easter basket. We had to help Ezra eat them of course. At our church picnic, he participated in his first Easter egg hunt. (By "participated" I mean he slept and I picked up a couple eggs for him.) Maybe we'll have more involvement from him next year. :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

See, I told you he could smile bigger. He was a happy baby this morning and smiling all over the place. We almost got a laugh out of him. I thought these were just too precious and couldn't wait to post them.

He smiles when we read to him, and yesterday he smiled when Skyla walked past his swing. It seems they are finally getting used to each other. A
fter our walk, I laid Ezra on the couch while I let Skyla out of her kennel. I asked Skyla, "Where's the baby?" She went first to the stroller, then to the swing, and then heard him on the couch. She went over to sniff him to confirm that is was him and then ran back to me satisfied with her find.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This is a half smile. He can smile bigger, but it's kind of hard to catch on camera.
He's cooing more and more every day. It seems like he's getting more hair too.
I can't think of anything else worth noting--that's the problem with weekly updates. Sometimes not too much happens in a weeks time. I hope you enjoy the pictures at least...