Thursday, December 27, 2007

The USO Tour.
After much debate, we decided to go to a USO Tour on base. The debate was not about whether or not it would be good (which it was of course), but about whether it would be too loud for Ezra, whether we would be sitting or standing, how long the
line to get in would be, etc. We decided to just drive by and check it out. The parking lot at the hangar didn't look too bad, so we thought we'd chance it. The line was insane! But as we got there a little late (and were at the end of the line), we weren't standing there for too long before they started to open the doors and let people in and the line began to move. A friend who was considerably farther ahead of us in line was gracious enough to save us seats in the bleachers (thanks Elisa!!!). The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff opened the show and introduced Ronan Tynan, one of the famous Irish tenors. He sang at President Reagan's funeral. He sang an Irish folk song, God bless America, and Amazing Grace. It was great.
Then he introduced Miss America whose 5 minute, brainless speech is not even worth mentioning. It was bad.
Next came Lance Armstrong who had both a funny story to tell, and meaningful comments to make which was MUCH better. The pictures are not the best quality. If you double click on the picture, you should be able to see it a little better. It's him. I promise.
Lance introduced comedian Lewis Black. He was funny, but he was told to keep it "PG13" as there were families in the audience. That threw him for a loop and we could tell he was a little out of his element as he floundered for things to say that wouldn't get him into trouble.
Next, some would say, was the main attraction, Robin Williams. He was
very, very funny as always. We were not disappointed. It was a little difficult for him to make his act family friendly too, but he pulled it off and was much more funny than Lewis Black.
Rock star Kid Rock was next. He played 5 or 6 songs or so and then as a finale, Robin Williams came back out and they did a duet in which Robin Williams played the harmonica. It was awesome.

It all made for a very enjoyable afternoon. And it was free!! Ezra was very good. He actually ended up falling asleep during Kid Rock of all things. :)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Ezra's 1st Christmas in Houston. Since Ezra had no prior present unwrapping experience, Nana wrapped his gifts in a single layer of tissue paper. It still took him several gifts to get the hang of it. He was more intrigued by the crinkly paper than the present inside. In many of these, you can see the intense concentration on his face. Learning something new isn't easy.

This picture on the left shows a little bit of Great-Grandma Atherton trying to lend a helping hand.

Toys, books, cars galore!

These are just a couple of random pictures from our time spent in Houston. The first on the left is Ezra's first balloon.

Next is a picture taken on Ezra's 1st
Thanksgiving with his Greer cousins.

Underneath, Ezra is riding frog in the play area at The Woodlands Mall.

On the left is another picture of Daddy and Ezra. They are reunited after another month of forced separation.

On the right, Ezra
thinks he can wear Daddy's big boy shoes.

Back on the left, Ezra is fascinated by some Alpacas at Dickens on the Strand in Galveston, TX.

Last but not least, is a picture of manly kill at the ranch. A 7-point buck.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Big Baby News!

I had an ultrasound today. We were expecting to just hear the heartbeat and see a picture of the baby, but the OB
clinic just got brand new equipment and were able to see EVERYTHING. Including our son's boy parts. Yep, we're having another boy. I guess there's always a chance it could be a girl and that blip between his legs was just some random, matter floating around in there, but the Dr. was fairly confident.
We don't have a scanner, so I'm afraid these pictures of pictures are horrible quality. You may have to use your imagination a little. The first picture on the right is looking down on the baby's front. His head is the round part on the right and then the other 4 white parts are his limbs. This picture is particularly cute (if you could see it in greater detail like we can), because you can very distinctly see his 5 little toes on what appears to be his right foot.
The picture on the left is his not-so-subtle boy parts. We are
looking up from underneath him. The big round part it his bottom. The two pointy things on either side are his legs, and the round thing in the middle is the "goods".
We are more than thrilled to have another boy. Positives: It'll be fun to dress our "Irish twins" alike sometimes. We already have almost everythi
ng we need. I already know how to take care of a boy. I'm sure they will be best of friends (and worst of enemies on occasion). More trips to the ER, but less attitude. And much, much more!
I decided to put a belly picture on here for good measure. If it appears a little misshapen, it just because of my shirt. Also, I lost about 2 lbs in the last couple of days because I contracted the virus that Mike, and Ezra and just about everyone else here has had. It wasn't pleasant.
Anyway, this definitely means we are NOT finished having babies (as if there was any doubt). If we ever have a girl, she will have at least two older brothers to watch out for her. Watch out potential suitors!