Sunday, October 24, 2010

Judith is 6 months!

Miss Judith Damaris had her 6 month birthday on Friday. She can totally sit by herself and transitions to her tummy pretty well. She can roll circles around the living room, and is starting to low crawl, but isn't up on all fours yet.

Jonas' bubble goatee. Mommy and my big girl.
Bubble angel.
This was Ezra on picture day at school.
More fun with bubbles.
Five days before her 6 month birthday, Judith found her voice and started right in with the "da-da-da-da-da"s. I don't know why it wasn't "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma". She hasn't even see her Daddy in 4 1/2 months. Guess she's already practicing how she's going to wrap herself around his little finger when he gets home. On the video, you can also hear Jonas repeating "Do it myself" because he wanted to take pictures with the camera. I hear that phrase a trillion times a day. Everything is "Do it myself!" And about halfway through the video, Ezra starts turning the light on and off. Always an adventure...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sitting pretty!

"Paint your face" night at Awana! The boys were tigers. This is Jonas' roaring face.

Sweet Judith Damaris. 5 1/2 months.

It has been a beautiful couple of weeks in Houston with highs in the low/mid 80s and lots of sunshine. Consequently, we have been making the rounds to all of the great parks in our area.

More Judith.

Tiger faces! Grrr!

At 5 1/2 months, Judith is officially sitting on her own for extended periods of time. The video was taken a week or so ago. At the time, her transitioning tool from sitting to laying was the "fall method". A week later, she's beginning to get the hang of putting her elbow and forearm down first and swinging her legs around to be able to lay on her tummy. She's quite mobile by the "rolling method". When on her tummy, she can pull either her legs up, or push up on her hands, but not at the same time. She's learning fast though. I took the video the wrong way and don't know how to rotate it, so tilt your head to the left for viewing. :)

I took the kids to Pump it Up today. The boys had a blast. Ezra was such a good brother to hold Jonas' hand while going down the slide.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Notes from Home

Grandma Allison and Judith. Judith and her Astros outfit.
Ezra and Jonas at the park on a beautiful day.


Judith-5 months.

Crazy hair night at Awanas.

Some videos from Soccertots (so Mike can see our aspiring soccer star ;), the boys reading letters from Daddy, and messages to Mike from his family.