Thursday, August 18, 2016


Jonas lost two teeth during the same week in April!

Judith performed as Tweedle Dee in a dancing/musical rendition of Alice in Wonderland.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum bowing during the curtain call.

Our neighbors, Sue and Karli, and Lexi came to see Judith perform.

Judith with her teacher, Miss Heather.

The morning after Judith's performance, we had Opening Day and Jonas' first baseball game.

Before we went to the Opening Day parade, we dropped Ezra off at the Cub Scout Bears only campout. He helped make breakfast and participated in the activities during the day.

We joined him at the campout after Jonas' game.  Around the campfire, Ezra and Jonas got to participate in a US flag retirement ceremony.

I was able to chaperone a kindergarten field trip to the DC Zoo.  This is Judith with her pal Julian.

This was the last picture I took before my phone was stolen.  I set it down outside while I got snacks out of my backpack for the kids.  When we packed up to leave, I walked off without my phone.  I remembered about 10 minutes later and went back for it, but it was already gone.  We tracked it from DC, to Frederick, Maryland, to Upper Marlboro, Maryland and miraculously it was returned to me at a McDonald's south of DC.  Thus, my sanity was restored!

This is Judith on her birthday.  More birthday pics in a different blog post.

On a random day off of school we went with our neighbors, the Hovermales, to the National Arboretum.

Unbeknownst to us, we arrived just in time to see the unveiling of the names for two baby bald eagles.  There had been a large conservation project at the Arboretum concerning these eagles followed by a social media naming campaign and we happened upon the end result!

These beautiful columns adorn a knoll in the park.  They are from the Capitol building.  Read more here.

Here's a group of all the kiddos.  Jonas' buddy Carter is on the back row, right.

On my birthday, the kids put a candle in one of Judith's left over birthday cupcakes and made a card for the on the blackboard.  It was so special because it was totally their idea since Mike wasn't around to plant any suggestions in their heads.

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