Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ezra's 1st day of preschool

So I know that the 1st day of preschool in not nearly as momentous as the first day of kindergarten, but it was pretty exciting for us. We went to meet his teacher last week and since then Ezra had been really excited about starting school.

This is Ezra's 1st day of school Pop Tart. I know. Just call me mother of the year. He actually had never had one before so I thought it might be a special treat. He wasn't all that impressed. He didn't sleep well because he was so excited, so he woke up a little late and we had to rush through breakfast anyway. Oh well.

My camera lens fogged up going from inside the house to outside in the Texas heat (even at 8:45 in the morning). This is a sweet picture, but he looks a little crazy too. :) I think it was a combination of excitement and having just gotten up only to be rushed out the door.

By this picture, I figured out I needed to wipe of the lens. Jonas, the ever helpful kid brother, carrying Ezra's nap mat.

Mommy says goodbye at school. No tears from either of us. Happy, happy, happy. So proud of my big boy.

Ezra's classroom.

A super short video. Wish I had gotten more, but I had already said "goodbye" when it occurred to me I should do a video, so I thought I ought not linger too much longer. At the end he's saying, "I'll play with you?"--hoping I guess that I would hang out for a while like I did when we met the teacher and explored the classroom.


Janette said...

Too cute!! And I think preschool is a big deal! :) (Oh, and there's nothing wrong with PopTarts...we do them quite often! He wasn't impressed because you got the boring kind without frosting! :) If you want to feel a little better giving them to him, get the ones with extra fiber. :)

Mary said...

He looks so cute with the backpack on!