Thursday, January 01, 2009

Mike was off most of this week, so we took a short trip back to Heidelberg. Our destination was the castle and this time we DID make it there early enough to see everything in the daylight. We were a little disappointed that we couldn't see more of the inside of the castle, which I guess you can only see with a guided tour. Our big, fat stroller wouldn't fit in many places, and we weren't comfortable leaving it anywhere, so we didn't do the guided tour. Too, with the kiddos, we are usually limited on how long they will "have fun". It was very cold. We started the day at 18 degrees, but by time we headed home it had warmed up to 32. Burr. Everyone was appropriately bundled with a trillion layers of clothes so at least that wasn't a huge issue. This barrel of wine was insane. I don't know if you can tell how huge it is, but there's a staircase built around it that you can walk on.

Here are a couple of views of Heidelburg from the castle. This was a rare, sunny day. The river is the Neckar. The city is mostly known for the university there and was one of the only major cities to avoid destruction during WWII.

The Apothecary musuem was in another part of the castle. It was pretty cool. My favorite part was the labratory room that reminded me of of the one in Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves. I would have taken a picture of it, but my batteries were dying. Boo!

And some other random pictures from our New Year's Day.

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