Friday, January 30, 2009

Jonas is officially crawling. He's 7 1/2 months and Ezra will be 2 in just a couple of weeks. He's still pretty slow, but he can make his way all the way across the living room. The video shows Jonas crawling a little and Ezra trying to block the camera with a balloon.
ALS continues for Mike. Graduation is on Feb 10th. It's a nice dinner, so we have arranged for a babysitter (someone from our Bible study that we know well) and I, for one, am eagerly anticipating our night out. (Mike is not a fan of anything very formal--especially if it involves taking pictures that he has to participate in.)We're both kind of getting spiffed up and it's our first formal (dress up) date in I don't know how long. Probably the Christmas party right before Ezra was born. Anyway, you can be sure to count on some pictures from that. :)

Most of the other pics are just around the house. I was playing with my new camera (Mike too as you can tell from the random picture of me on the phone with my Mom).
Here's picture from when Ezra was sick. He had thrown up on his shirt, so I took it off and cleaned him up a bit, then he went and laid in the floor. Daddy joined him there.
The two other pictures are of Mike throwing Ezra into the air. I tried to get some "action" shots. :)

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