Wednesday, May 09, 2007

We made it to Houston safe and sound. It was a long trip, but Ezra was an angel.

The picture on the left is Ezra sleeping in cradle that my Grandpa made. We need to get a piece of foam to cut for a mattress, because what we have in there is NOT the right size. It is pressed into the bottom and the sides of the cradle make it slope up, so when Ezra is in there we call it an "Ezra taco". He doesn't sleep in there overnight, but I put him in there for a nap and it didn't seem to bother him.

He hasn't rolled over yet, but he's trying really hard.

Here's Ezra with his very proud Nana. It's all we can do to make her go to school every day instead of staying home to play with the baby.

The picture on the right is Ezra hanging out with his PapPa (great-grandfather). They are already best buddies.

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