Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ezra is 14 weeks. I took him to the Dr. last Friday (to get his 2 month immunizations) and he weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs. 1 oz. and 24 inches. He feels every bit of 14 lbs. and I know he's just going to get heavier. The shots were sad. A necessary evil (I suppose....), but such a horrible experience. Ezra ran a fever and was fussy ALL day long. Poor kid.
He's sucking on his fingers a lot. Not so much his thumb as his fingers. But he was extra sucky tonight so I attempted the pacifier once again (he's never really taken it) and he's kept it in his mouth for longer than he ever has before. So we'll see.
In the past week, he's rolled over (tummy to back) a couple of times and been super close to rolling back to tummy. He's turned all the way face down, but can't get his arm from underneath him. So close!
I think that's pretty much all that's worth writing about. Except for the shots, all is well and we are enjoying our time at home (missing Mike though...).

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