Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We went to the Dr. today for Ezra's "2-week" Well Baby check up today even though he's 3 weeks. He weighed 8 lbs. , 8 oz. So he's a growing boy. They checked hearing in his right ear because it had failed in the hospital right after he was born (not uncommon) and after several attempts he passed. But the Dr. said that everything looked great. He's beginning to get some baby acne. They're just little red bumps that come and go in about a day. Mike went back to work Monday and Ezra and I got through the day just fine. I was definitely ready to let Daddy do some holding and diapering by the time he got home though. Which he was willing to do--I think he missed us. :)
Ezra's sleep schedule is still pretty crazy. We haven't really managed to keep him f
rom taking a very late afternoon nap, after which he likes to stay up until midnight or 1. Once he goes to sleep he'll sleep a good stretch with out waking up. During the day though, he eats like every hour or two.
Well, I guess that's about it from here for this week. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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