Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We had an unexpected winter blast last night. Still no snow at our house, but we had some sleet and the snow came further down the mountain than it did all winter. The picture is taken from the front steps of our house. There's actually a chance for more snow this week. At least it gives Ezra a little more time to wear his cute warm outfits.

Ezra is 5 weeks old. We actually hit a 6 hour stretch of sleep a few nights ago. I think he takes after his Uncle Garrett in that he likes to stay up late and sleep in. I guess I don't care which way he does it, as long as we get an uninterrupted stretch some where in there.

We also had an appointment on Friday of last week and Ezra weighed in at almost 10 lbs.

In the picture on the right, it almost looks like he's smiling, but he's just stretching. We haven't really seen any true smiles yet, but we relish when we see him smile in his sleep. It's so cute.

The picture on the left is a close up of Ezra in his swing. I think he likes it, but doesn't want to stay in there for too long. If it's possible for him to be spoiled (which it isn't), he is. He constantly wants to be held, which is fine because his mother and father constantly want to hold him.

I put the last picture in because it looks like he's dancing. What a nut! :)

1 comment:

Jolyn said...

Erin and Mike,
Just wanted to let you know I think you have a real cutie-patootie on your hands there, and that you guys make such a beautiful family! You also inspired me to finally start my own blog -- long overdue considering the nature of our lifestyle to which you can readily relate! In your "leisure time" you can check it out, too: jnjmyersnco.blogspot.com/