Sunday, February 11, 2007

No baby yet...

Mom said rumors were abounding, so I thought everybody needed an update.

Yesterday was an eventful day, if fruitless. I could tell that the "Braxton Hicks" contractions were getting closer together. I took a long walk and the contractions began to get closer together. At 5 pm I started timing them and they were about 5 minutes apart. I called the Dr., but I wasn't ready to go in yet. At 9 pm, we decided to go. We got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors. The contractions were coming every 2-4 minutes, and I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. They will admit at 4 cm, so they sent me home. They gave me Tylenol 3 so I could try to get some sleep, but it didn't help the pain of the contractions, so I only got about an hours sleep. At about 5 or 6 am, the contractions started slowing down to about 1 every 15 or 20 minutes. At that point I slept for about an hour and a half. They continued to be slow throughout the morning although still painful. I slept on the couch for another hour or so around 10 am. We went grocery shopping, but they were still pretty slow. About 5 pm I went for a walk and got them going again. However, at this point, until my water breaks, I'll probably not go back in to the hospital. I'm in a lot of pain for about a minute every 5 minutes, but apparently it's not doing much for my cervix.

I'm just really tired--which probably contributes to my increasing inability to tolerate the pain. The nurse says, this could go on for days. Hopefully not, but it's been about 36 hours already soooo.... The baby's still moving around quite a bit and having a good ole time. I don't think he's gotten the memo that it's time to come out. I'll update again, when there's something new to say.


Ginger said...

Hey,I finally looked at your blog!
Amazing what a baby can do huh?
Love the pics! I hated those belly shots when I was prego.Anyway, will be awaiting the news! Prayers & hugs to you all!
Ginger & Curtis

Melissa said...

Looks like this baby is holding out for Valentine's Day!