Thursday, February 08, 2007

FEBRUARY 8, 2007

Happy theoretical birthday baby Ezra! In a couple of hours my due date will have come and gone with no baby. I made Mike take me out though. I told him that I had looked forward to this day for 10 months, and that it just didn't seem right to let it pass with out consequence. I've had a couple more indicators that labor might be on it's way, but I'll spare you the details.

In other news, Mike got to take a ride in airplane on Wed. Isn't it weird that he serves in the Air Force and a ride on a plane is a big deal? It was a AWACS. It looks like a regular plane but with a flying saucer attached to it. It's pretty cool. It manages air operations and troop movements from the air. Mike's squadron performs the exact same functions only they do it on the ground. They flew across Italy over to Sicily and then down to the heel of the boot and back up. Mike was just along for the ride and got to listen in on the mission. Neither he nor I wanted him to miss this opportunity, so we were really hoping the baby wouldn't decide to come while Daddy was on a joy ride across the Mediterranean. :) It obviously worked out though because the baby's still not here!

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