Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ezra's 2 weeks today! I guess you could say we are getting into more of a routine. He wakes us 3-4 times a night. Mike will get him and change his diaper and then hand him off to me to feed. He doesn't go to the Dr. again until March 6th. He's got a little bit of diaper rash and absolutely hates diaper changes. Everything is going well and we are having a lot of fun caring for our new,tiny family member.

In other news, on Monday morning we experienced a strange phenomenon. I had just put Ezra back in the bassinet after feeding him. I laid back down next to Mike and a few minutes later we heard the door of our room rattle and then the dresser across the room began to shake. Both Mike and I sat straight up in bed. We checked for Skyla (our dog) thinking maybe she had bumped into something, but she was on the bed looking just as alarmed as we were. Mike got up to look out the window to see if the wind was blowing really hard. It wasn't. Eventually, we went back to sleep. Later that day I emailed my friend Shelly who lives here in town to see if she had experienced anything similar. She responded to my email and said that we had had a small earthquake. I told Mike that the good news was that our house wasn't haunted, and that we had survived our first earthquake. Mike did some internet research and apparently the epicenter was in Claut; a town not too far to the north of us. The one at 6:50 am registered a 4.35 on the Richter Scale. You can check out a map at this website http://rtweb.units.it/dbrecenteqs/. Click on the big green square and it will take you to a map that shows the proximity of the epicenter to our town, Cavasso Nuovo. Apparently, there were a couple more later in the day, but we didn't feel it. My friend Shelly said she didn't feel the first one. Anyway, it was quite a bit of excitement. Just as long as they don't get any bigger than that...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ezra's 1 week old! Or at least he was when I took these pictures a couple of days ago. We went to have his passport photo taken. He had to have both eyes open and see both ears in the photo. Not an easy task for a 7-day old baby. However, after an outfit and diaper change, he was a little more willing to cooperate. It only took about 20 minutes.
Not too much more to report. Even though Mike is off work, he's still having to go to class. While it was scary to be left with an infant by myself for the first time, I'm getting used to it. I guess it's better this way to ease into it for a couple hours at a time, before he has to go back to work and is gone for the whole day.
Maybe next week, I can get around to putting pictures on here on his 2-week "birthday". :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

We took Ezra to a 2-day weight check today.

He's lost a couple of ounces. He's down to 6 lbs 8 oz. -- well within the allowable limits. But the milk is finally in so we should start to see that weight go back up. When we went to the weight check, the nurses told us Ezra had perfect color. She said he was a perfect example of a baby with not even a hint of jaundice.

I wanted to post some pictures of Ezra's eyes open. He looks highly suspicious of me. Maybe he's wondering when we can get past the photo shoot to the feeding.

Friday, February 16, 2007

I'm going to do my best to describe for you the horrors and tremendous joys of the last week.

It officially (at least in my eyes) began last Saturday. I had been having painless contractions (1 every 30 min. or so) for the last couple of weeks, but I woke up about 3 am on Sat and noticed that they were getting closer together. I went for a walk about 10 am on Sat and by the time I made it home, they were about 10 min apart and getting more painful. started timing them at 5 pm and they were 5 min apart like clockwork. I called the hospital about 7 pm and told them what was going on, but that I didn't want to come in yet. They said that was fine and come whenever I was ready. So about 9 pm, we made our first trip. At the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitors, and my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart, however, I was only dilated to 2 cm. So they sent me home with Tylenol #3 to help me "sleep". Yeah right. It did help me to sleep for 2-4 minutes at a time, but every time a contraction came, I would wake up in pain. About 5 am, they slowed back down to 1 contraction every 15 or 20 minutes.
Although I kept contracting (every 5 min after a walk), on Sunday I didn't really feel as though much had changed. I took Tylenol, in hopes of getting some rest, but it was the same as the night before. (Picture is Ezra in the warmer after his bath)
Monday, I went to the clinic just to see if I could get checked for any progress and I was at 3 cm. She gave me Ambian to try to get some sleep (since I hadn't really slept since Sat night). It did knock me out in between contractions, but I when I would wake up in pain, I would try to get up and I was so out of it, I almost fell several times. I remember feeling uncoordinated, grabbing things to keep from falling down, and Mike yelling at me not to get up, but between the pain of the contractions and the disorientation from the medication, I couldn't really make my mind and body work together. Mike said he almost called the hospital because I was really pale and he was afraid I was going to hurt myself, but at 2 am, I was wanting to go to the hospital anyway.
(The picture on the right is Ezra's first bath)
When we got there, they hooked me up to the monitors. I was 4 cm dilated, but they were hesitant about admitting me, because the contractions weren't very regular. They knew I wanted an epidural, but didn't bother to call the anesthetist until regular hours. She finally got there at about 10 am and I was at 8 cm. I debated about getting it, but it still took another 7 hours or so until I delivered. I could have fought the pain for maybe another hour, but DEFINITELY not 7 hours. So I got the epidural and they numbed me up good. But, as is a frequent drawback with epidurals, I was so numb, I couldn't push. So they took me completely off the epidural which slowed the contractions. Then they had to put me on Pitocin to try to get them to speed up again. I was so tired and still in so much pain that they gave me some other narcotic to help with the pain. I can't say it did very much.
When they could feel the baby's head easily, they learned that he was face up. By this time, I was running a fever and the baby's was beginning to creep out of the comfort zone. When I started to push, I was very confused about the manner in which to do so. At one point, the nurse told Mike to look to see the baby's head crowning, but they it went back in. In the end, they decided they would have to use the vacuum. Once I had the extra help, he was out in 2 pushes. I think I probably could have done it by myself if I had gotten some sleep the past 3 days, or if I hadn't been so worn out from the pain of not receiving the epidural in a timely manner. Ezra's not really any worse for wear though. He had a little cut and a big suction ring on his head, but that's already faded tremendously. He swallowed quite a bit of merconium (he had pooped in the amniotic fluid) and between that and the fever, they thought they might have to give him antibiotics and an IV, but thank God they were able to get all the merconium out of his lungs and his temp when down to normal. The above picture is the nurses sucking out the merconium.
I did rip, but the Dr., said it wouldn't have been any better or worse with an episiotimy.
Mike, poor thing, was so steadfast by my side, he didn't have anything to eat or drink all day. He was in pretty sad shape after the adrenaline crash. He was sick to his stomach, pale, and had a headache. We decided it was best if he went home to relax, get some real sleep, and eat some real food. As he was leaving, we learned that they were so full, that I would have to move to a shared room. In a shared room, partners can't stay anyway. It was pretty scary being left with the baby all alone. Especially, because it was such a painful ordeal for me to get up out of bed. But, we survived and are now at home and Dad is doing a GREAT job taking care of Mom and baby.
Thanks so much for the prayers and encouragement. We are so blessed that more problems didn't arise, and that the ones that did, were easily taken care of. Thank God for no C-section!!
The last 3 pics were taken this morning. Hopefully, you can see the ring on his head from the suction. It's just a ring now. Before, it was a giant, purplish-red circle.
More pics to come--I promise.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

No baby yet...

Mom said rumors were abounding, so I thought everybody needed an update.

Yesterday was an eventful day, if fruitless. I could tell that the "Braxton Hicks" contractions were getting closer together. I took a long walk and the contractions began to get closer together. At 5 pm I started timing them and they were about 5 minutes apart. I called the Dr., but I wasn't ready to go in yet. At 9 pm, we decided to go. We got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors. The contractions were coming every 2-4 minutes, and I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. They will admit at 4 cm, so they sent me home. They gave me Tylenol 3 so I could try to get some sleep, but it didn't help the pain of the contractions, so I only got about an hours sleep. At about 5 or 6 am, the contractions started slowing down to about 1 every 15 or 20 minutes. At that point I slept for about an hour and a half. They continued to be slow throughout the morning although still painful. I slept on the couch for another hour or so around 10 am. We went grocery shopping, but they were still pretty slow. About 5 pm I went for a walk and got them going again. However, at this point, until my water breaks, I'll probably not go back in to the hospital. I'm in a lot of pain for about a minute every 5 minutes, but apparently it's not doing much for my cervix.

I'm just really tired--which probably contributes to my increasing inability to tolerate the pain. The nurse says, this could go on for days. Hopefully not, but it's been about 36 hours already soooo.... The baby's still moving around quite a bit and having a good ole time. I don't think he's gotten the memo that it's time to come out. I'll update again, when there's something new to say.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

FEBRUARY 8, 2007

Happy theoretical birthday baby Ezra! In a couple of hours my due date will have come and gone with no baby. I made Mike take me out though. I told him that I had looked forward to this day for 10 months, and that it just didn't seem right to let it pass with out consequence. I've had a couple more indicators that labor might be on it's way, but I'll spare you the details.

In other news, Mike got to take a ride in airplane on Wed. Isn't it weird that he serves in the Air Force and a ride on a plane is a big deal? It was a AWACS. It looks like a regular plane but with a flying saucer attached to it. It's pretty cool. It manages air operations and troop movements from the air. Mike's squadron performs the exact same functions only they do it on the ground. They flew across Italy over to Sicily and then down to the heel of the boot and back up. Mike was just along for the ride and got to listen in on the mission. Neither he nor I wanted him to miss this opportunity, so we were really hoping the baby wouldn't decide to come while Daddy was on a joy ride across the Mediterranean. :) It obviously worked out though because the baby's still not here!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Well, I'm not in labor yet, but I'll settle for progress in that direction. The Dr. said I'm 1 cm dilated! I realize that's not much, and I have 9 more to go--but it's better than "better luck next week". I have an appointment scheduled for Valentine's Day, but hopefully I'll be seeing the Dr. before then. I'll put a picture on here tomorrow at 40 weeks. My due date!!