Friday, November 20, 2015

In October...

In October, I traveled with some girlfriends to Roanoke, Virgina to attend an Extraordinary Women conference.

Judith, as mentioned in a previous blog, was Miss Crawford's class first Shark of the Month!

 On a Jewish holiday in the middle of the week the kids were out of school.  They spent the majority of the day outside exploring and catching this frog which is a day better spent than most days in the classroom, in my humble opinion.

I got to chaperone Jonas' field trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

The boys got to pet a sting ray.

Jonas really loved waving to the divers.

This was a crocodile in the Australia exhibit.  We also so a really cool demonstration with the Archer Fish in that exhibit.

 A giant sea turtle!

They were a pretty fun group of boys.

Judith lost her second tooth!

 Judith was a cheerleader at school on Halloween.  This was taken after the parade when they came back inside for their party.

Jonas AKA Darth Vader with Mrs. Dabrasky.

Three members of the Moll family were in DC for Halloween so we met up with them on Capitol Hill for a small street fair and then grabbed some grub at District Taco.

Always so good to see our dear friends from Germany!

Jonas' football team made it to the playoffs, but lost their first game. Here he is emerging from the tunnel (number 22).  He made it almost the whole season without an injury.  He was sidelined the last few minutes of his last game because his fingernail got torn up.  He ended up losing the whole nail a few weeks later.

Here we are on Halloween.  We trick-or-treated our street.

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