Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today Jonas is one week old. Has it been a week already? Yes. Yes, it has. He's sleeping ok at night. We all get more sleep if he's in bed with us. He's still spitting up a fair amount. The nurse said that since I didn't push for that long, he lungs weren't sufficiently squeezed for all the amniotic fluid to come out.

In ther news, Ezra had his first haircut today. It went really well. There were some concerned looks when he got out the razor, but no tears!
I will also have those of you who thought I was "soooo big" during pregnancy know that I'm already within 15 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight. My body is sore all over from going from around 154 to 130 in a week, but I'm not complaining. I've not exercised at all yet, so hopefully in a couple of weeks when I'm fully recovered and can start exercising, that 15 lbs will come right off. :)


Janette said...'s been a week already!! He is so precious. :) And I'm impressed with your quick weight-loss. Hopefully that will happen for me too! And I love Ezra's sweet smiles about his haircut!

Mary said...

He's adorable Erin. And so is Ezra. I love the names you have chosen for those cute little boys.