We had been planning at trip to Salzburg with my parents, but we thought better of crossing the border with
Here's Ezra at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's the best we could manage with a toddler who had no idea what we were trying to do.
Here are some pictures of our new car. It took a lot of headache and yelling for it to get here. In the end, we were actually compensated $300.00 by Dodge for all of our trouble. Which is just about the amount of our first payment, so that was nice. Deserved, but nice. A few people said they wanted to see pictures, but I'm not really sure what of. It's pretty much the same as any other Dodge Journey you can find on the Dodge website. It's got a few bells and whistles, but I felt silly putting pictures of my car on here. We are definitely excited about it though.
It already has a lot of miles on it for only having it a few days. We took it an hour south to the Venice airport and back to pick up my parents. We also took it about an hour and a half east and back to the city of Trieste for some sightseeing. But that was the whole point of having by the time they got here---so we would have a vehicle that we could all travel in together. We've all had a blast so far. Just waiting on the baby....
I had a Dr. appointment on Tuesday, but sadly there was little to report. I've only dilated about 1/2 a cm in 2 weeks, despite increasing contractions. But I'm glad that it looks as if my parents will make it out in time for the birth.
We finally got our new car today. It came about 4 weeks later than we expected and we had to have several heated discussions with our car guy and his supervisor, but it looks as if it as arrived exactly in the nick of time. God is good!