Sunday, April 06, 2008

I am 30 weeks pregnant today. I don't know why, but that feels
like a milestone. I guess since I'm in the 30's, it seems like the home stretch.

I attended a super wonderful women's retrat this weekend. It was a little hard to leave Ezra, but I knew he was in good hands. It was also nice to let Mike and Ezra have some one-on-one dad/son time. I think that's really important; even as young as Ezra is. They had a blast!! And so did I. But I was really ready to come home at the conclusion of the retreat.

Mike received yet another honor this week. He was Airman of quarter for his flight. Obviously, there's only 4 a year. He was chosen from out of about 150 people. Yea Mike!

This last picture is an example of what happens when you try to take a picture of a 13 1/2 month old that is able to RUN. You have to be fast. Look at all those teeth!

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