Sunday, April 13, 2008

Growing, growing, growing. Everything I read tells me Jonas should weigh between 3 1/2 and 4 lbs. I'm 31 weeks today and Ezra is 14 months. What color do Ezra's eyes look? They're not nearly as dark as mine, but they are much darker than Mike's. I usually call them hazel for lack of something more specific. In this picture, (because of the shirt) they almost look dark green.

My tulips are about to open. We've had a rainy week with more to come, so sadly, the ones that have opened early tipped over from the rain. :(

I also included a couple of pics from the women's retreat last weekend. We had an activity where we were given an assortment of odds and ends and were told to make an evening gown fit for the Milan catwalk. I was picked to be the model because of my very large, and "distinctive" feature. It was hideous, but a lot of fun. The other picture is the group of ladies that went from Aviano.

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