Sunday, January 06, 2008

I'm 17 weeks pregnant today. A lady at the grocery store said, "I looked so cute with my little belly". Bless her soul. Then she asked when I was due and I told her June and she said, "Oh! Well, with your second you pop a little sooner." Ugh. But I don't think I look too much bigger than some other ladies that have their pics on various pregnancy sites. Anyway, I'm feeling lots of movement and Mom and baby are doing great. I'll have my next appointment/ultrasound at 20 weeks.

Ezra has begun to take some steps. On Friday night, I was running water for his bath, and Mike was disrobing him in the living room. Ezra knew he was getting ready for his bath which he loves. When I came in the living room to get him, he acted like he was really ready to go, so I made him walk to me. I kept backing up, and he kept walking. He took about 6 steps or so and then I ran out of room and had to let him catch me. Since then, he's been taking steps here and there, and even twice has taken 4 or so steps from one piece of furniture to the other with no motivation from Mike or me. He just wanted to get from point A to point B. Yay! We were also notified when we picked Ezra up from the nursery this morning that a little girl had kissed him. He's already breaking hearts. :)

1 comment:

jaimentrish said...

Yeah Ezra! I love when they take their first steps. Sounds like he will be walking along side of you very soon. As for baby number 2. I just found out you were having a boy!! Congrats! I love having my two boys. Plus, I think that boys fits both of us very well.