Sunday, January 27, 2008

At first, I wanted to get a better picture of Ezra reading his book. However, when I looked at this one closer, I thought it was cute because it shows him trying to turn the page (which he's quite good at). Of course he only uses the cardboard books with the thick pages. He's getting at least one tooth. It's on the right side of his bottom teeth and it's almost poking through. There may be others as well. It's kinda hard to get him to let us look in there, but I think his gums look a little swollen in a couple of places. He's been a trooper though. Another funny thing he's started to do is bounce. Not jump--his feet don't leave the ground, but he bends his knees to bounce up and down. The best thing is that he can do it when we ask him to. I love that he recognizes words like "Give Mama a kiss" or "Can you bounce up and down?" It's the greatest.

Here's a picture of baby #2 (still no headway with names, thanks to my husband who doesn't like to discuss it--grrrr). I thought black was supposed to be slimming.... My face looks fat too. Could it be the turtleneck??

Here's a very bad comparison picture. I hope you all love me enough to appreciate the fun of the comparison, and not be too critical of my current state. The pic on the left is me at 19 weeks with Ezra. The second pic is me at 19 weeks with this baby. My mom made me feel better when she stated that my muscles are stretched out this time around, so there's nothing to hold back the baby (and all my other inside that are getting pushed around). So true! I read that I should have gained about 10 lbs at this point, and my my calculations, I might be just a tad over that. So I'm pretty ok with that stat. I can tell he's getting a lot bigger because today during church I could feel him kicking on my side. Previously, the movement was pretty much isolated in my abdomen area. Those little limbs are getting longer. My BIG ultrasound is a week from tomorrow. So excited!

1 comment:

Janette said...

Oh my are too cute! I just love the little round tummy! And I've heard from everyone that has more than one child that the second time around you get bigger faster because, like you said, you're body already knows what to do. You look cute...don't worry! :)