Thursday, March 29, 2007

I didn't blog on Tuesday when Ezra was officially 6 weeks, because we had a really crazy day. To top off the craziness, my wallet was "stolen". Stolen is in quotations because I enabled it to be stolen when I left it on the bumper of the car and drove off. All our cards have been canceled, so I think I was able to get away with just having the inconvenience of getting new cards, driver's licenses (US and Italian), and SS card instead of having our credit ruined by fraud. The error was a combination of having way too many things to put in the car (grocery bags, diaper bag, stroller, baby, etc) and operating off of about 3 1/2 hours sleep. Ezra picked the worst possible night to stay up until 3:30.
These pictures were taken on our walk today. The one with Ezra and the purple flowers was the last one I took and I think he was protesting me making him take a picture with so many flowers. He is a boy after all. :) The picture at the top with Mike and Ezra was taken when Mike got home today. It's always priority #1 when Mike gets home to make Ezra smile and talk (coo or gurgle) to him.

**I have my wallet back!! It stayed on my bumper until I got off base. Some kind-hearted Italian turned it in at the Carabinieri (Italian police) office. Since I canceled all my cards, that obviosly can't be undone, but at least I don't have to worry about getting another TX DL or SS card. Thank God!!**

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We had an unexpected winter blast last night. Still no snow at our house, but we had some sleet and the snow came further down the mountain than it did all winter. The picture is taken from the front steps of our house. There's actually a chance for more snow this week. At least it gives Ezra a little more time to wear his cute warm outfits.

Ezra is 5 weeks old. We actually hit a 6 hour stretch of sleep a few nights ago. I think he takes after his Uncle Garrett in that he likes to stay up late and sleep in. I guess I don't care which way he does it, as long as we get an uninterrupted stretch some where in there.

We also had an appointment on Friday of last week and Ezra weighed in at almost 10 lbs.

In the picture on the right, it almost looks like he's smiling, but he's just stretching. We haven't really seen any true smiles yet, but we relish when we see him smile in his sleep. It's so cute.

The picture on the left is a close up of Ezra in his swing. I think he likes it, but doesn't want to stay in there for too long. If it's possible for him to be spoiled (which it isn't), he is. He constantly wants to be held, which is fine because his mother and father constantly want to hold him.

I put the last picture in because it looks like he's dancing. What a nut! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ezra is 1 month old! There's not too much to report. The picture on the right is Ezra and I in a patch of violets in the back yard. The daffodil pictures are in my neighbor's yard. I also wanted to point out his cute sweater outfit. It's wool, and I accidentally dried it, so this was probably both the first and the last time he'll be able to wear it. Oops. The beautiful Tulip Tree is in my friend Andrea's yard. (Sorry Andrea--we had to trespass to get the picture. :) Isn't your tree gorgeous!) The Mickey out fit picture is for Nana.
Sleeping stretches at night are getting longer (even if they don't
start until later...). He's really good at holding his head up and does so much of the time when I'm walking around and he's on my shoulder. He will even hold it up if we have him in a sitting position. We laugh, because it's really wobbly. Mike says it looks like he should have a soundtrack because it's as if his head is bobbing along to the beat of a song that no one can hear but him. Don't worry, we have a good bit of it on video so you too can laugh at him when you see it.

A couple of nights ago we have our first undisputed encounter with gypsies. The past couple of months some of the gas coupons we keep in our glove box had gone missing. (We buy gas coupons at a discounted price to offset the high cost of gas in Europe--it's still a little higher than the cost of gas in the States.) The first time,
Mike and I blamed each other for misplacing them, or we thought that we had simply forgotten that we used them all. The second time it happened, it was a whole pack ($60) and we were both convinced they had been stolen out of our car. We keep them in the house now. Monday morning when Mike went to leave for work, our car door was open, the glove box was open, and a pack of gum that we had left in the car was completely eaten and laying on the seat. Annoying huh?

Well, I guess that's all the exciting stuff that's happened to us in the last week. :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We went to the Dr. today for Ezra's "2-week" Well Baby check up today even though he's 3 weeks. He weighed 8 lbs. , 8 oz. So he's a growing boy. They checked hearing in his right ear because it had failed in the hospital right after he was born (not uncommon) and after several attempts he passed. But the Dr. said that everything looked great. He's beginning to get some baby acne. They're just little red bumps that come and go in about a day. Mike went back to work Monday and Ezra and I got through the day just fine. I was definitely ready to let Daddy do some holding and diapering by the time he got home though. Which he was willing to do--I think he missed us. :)
Ezra's sleep schedule is still pretty crazy. We haven't really managed to keep him f
rom taking a very late afternoon nap, after which he likes to stay up until midnight or 1. Once he goes to sleep he'll sleep a good stretch with out waking up. During the day though, he eats like every hour or two.
Well, I guess that's about it from here for this week. I hope you enjoy the pictures.