Tuesday, January 16, 2007


First, some before shots of the nursery. The first one is during our painting endeavor and the second is Mike putting the crib together.
The nursery is still not complete. We have to pick up the rocker we ordered and we're having a couple of things framed, but just in case (ha, ha) the baby comes before it's perfect, I wanted to post these (so Mom doesn't kill me).
This photo was taken as you would walk in the room. The crib is on the right, the rocker will go in the naked corner (hopefully along with a little nightstand/table) , then the changing table, then the wardrobe. We are still waiting on a dustruffle and bumper pads to go on the crib. We also need to get some sort of cushion to go on the changing table. Then there's our wardrobe (that isn't the same color wood as the rest, but oh well...). This is the inside of the wardrobe. Since baby clothes don't take up that much space, we were able to get these shelves and use them for out-of-sight storage.
So that's pretty much it for now. I'll update when I get the finishing touches put up.
Oh, and the biggest news...the Aviano hospital is open again!! Thanks for all the prayers. God is so good--he takes even our "comfort level" into consideration.

1 comment:

Mike and Erin said...

He really has. We are so blessed.