Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I had my ultrasound today. This is me before I went into the exam room. I bought a girl outfit and a boy outfit--the first baby clothes I've purchased. I was so nervous (can you tell?).

The technician took tons of pictures of the baby and pointed out crucial organs. In one shot it was giving us a big "thumbs up" sign. I just hope it doesn't get too comfortable in there. It's got to move out in about 4 1/2 months. The picture he gave me to take home isn't very good. I don't want to put it on the blog, because it makes the baby look scary. Its mouth is open and there are two big holes for the eyes. It looks rather ghoulish. The baby is currently in a breech position, but no worries. It has plenty of time to turn around. Everything appeared healthy and in working order.

Finally, we got to the most crucial part. Boy or girl? It wasn't a very good picture. The baby was being modest. But the technician said, "I think it's a BOY!" At first he pointed to some fuzzy matter and said that it was a little more tissue than he sees with girls. He tried to poke and prod him a little to see if he would move, but to no avail. We went to go look at the face again where we could see a definite profile of his nose, lips, and chin. (What a cutie!) When we went back down to see if he had moved around at all, the technician froze on something and pointed out what he believed to be THE vital male organ, but the umbilical cord was kind of in the way, so it still wasn't real clear. The technician said that since he didn't have a definitive, with out a doubt view, he could only be about 85% sure that it's a boy. I said, "I'll take it". So barring any surprises when the little critter pops out, we're expecting a boy. Yea!


Kendra said...

Congratulations Erin! I'm so happy for you and Mike. I will look for some blue things when I am at home!

Matt and Amanda said...

Congratulations you guys!!! Matt and I are so excited for you both.

Matt and Amanda said...
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