Thursday, September 14, 2006

19 weeks

I'm definitely not looking my best here. I thought about cutting my head off, but that seemed silly. I am wearing a tank top, but the highs here have only been in the low to mid 70s. Are ya jealous??

I had a good report from the Dr. today at my monthly check up. The results from my blood tests were back and everything is normal. The baby has the same chance of getting a horrible disease as anyone else in the world. (spina bifida 1 in 50,000 and down syndrome 1 in 1,600) I also learned that I am not a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis. So even if Mike is a carrier, the baby won't get it because we both have the have the gene.

I weighed a little heavier than I hoped at my last appointment, so I was glad to see I had dropped a couple of lbs. this time. (I'm at 122! I must be really short, because I'm definitely not skinny.) I was just a little nervous about it being ok for the baby. The Dr. noticed and asked me if I was having any problems. I replied that I was eating the same amount of the same stuff I'd been eating my whole pregnancy. He said it wasn't really much of a difference and I looked great, so he wasn't concerned. Yea!

The baby's heart rate has dropped down to 150 (from 162) which is still fine. When we were listening to the heart beat, we heard and I felt the baby kick and then it started to move away from the microphone. Great. Its got attitude already. I can't imagine where the baby gets it from ... :)

I've been feeling the baby move since Sunday morning. According to my Meme, she first felt my Dad move during a movie, thus resulting perhaps in his love for movies. So based on that theory, maybe our baby will grow up to be a preacher since I was sitting in Sunday school at the time. :)

I guess the most exciting news is that after scheduling and rescheduling a million times both at Italian doctors and on base, I finally have an appointment on base to get a ultrasound done. The doctor will be looking at anatomy and hopefully be able to determine gender. I can't wait!! The appointment is next Wednesday, so sadly, Mike will miss it. It was the only time I could get in before I come to the States (Sept 28-Oct 9).

Our tentative plans for me to have the baby at home in Houston, didn't quite work out as we had hoped. The good news is that Mike will be able to be present for the birth of his first child. The bad news is that it will probably be May before the baby and I get to come home to meet everyone.

I'll see all y'all Houston folks in a couple of weeks!

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