Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ezra's 6th Birthday Party

Ezra wanted a "Wreck it Ralph" birthday party this year.   Much to my surprise, there wasn't a whole lot out there for Ralph themed parties in the way of decor or activities.  Since I usually steal ideas from other people's blogs and have no creative thoughts of my own this is the best I could come up with.  :)

We just had a couple of Ezra's friends (and their families) over.  A few more were invited but had to decline for various reasons. 

Isaac is Ezra's friend from ACES (where he receives therapy), and Karma is a friend from school.

First, we went downstairs and did a "brick smash" game.  In this picture Ezra was "Ralph".  He's said, "I'm gonna wreck it!", and then he proceeded to smash the "wall" (cardboard boxes).

Isaac was "Fix-It Felix" who was trying to repair the wall as Ezra was trying to destroy it (just like in the game in the movie).

Next, it was Isaac's turn to be "Ralph" and Judith was "Felix".


Judith seriously loved "wrecking it" when it was her turn to be Ralph.


Then we went upstairs for some table activities.  We put together a Wreck it Ralph puzzle,


and did a cord untangle.

 Then it was time for cake and presents. 

The cake was supposed to the be apartment building that Ralph wrecks in video game "Fix-It Felix Jr." in which he plays the bad guy.


Blowing out his candle.


The kids playing with the Angry Birds game that Ezra received as a gift.


Too much fun for this little girl.

 Ezra (sporting a Kool-Aid mustache) and Karma.

 Ezra with Isaac and Avonleigh.

Our first born is 6 years old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a darling family and darling boy! Love Judith's hair... it is getting SO Texas! I am so proud! Love and miss you all! Happy Birthday Ezra! Love, Jana