Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Breckenridge, Take Two

Unlike last year, this year's sledding trip to Breckenridge did not end in 2 busted faces and a broken leg.  Yay!
This a wide expanse of nothingness kind of between two ranges that we drive through from Colorado Springs to Breckenridge.  It's down in a valley, but the temperature actually dropped like 15 degrees when we hit the bottom. 
Mike and Jonas are prepared for their first trip down the hill.
At the top of the hill.

Erin and Judith.

Jonas doing some body sledding.


The kids on a little snow hill.  This area is at the bottom of the sledding hill before you reach the green mesh fence that divides where the sleds go from where the folks walk back up to the top.  The little snow hill they're sitting on wasn't there last year.  We know because it was the fence post directly behind Ezra that the boys crashed into last year. 

Mike and Ezra.  :)

Ski runs at Breckenridge.

A little hot chocolate and Where's Waldo at Starbucks.

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