Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trunk or Treat

Our church had Trunk or Treat tonight so we had the kids layered up under their costumes and braved the left over snow and freezing temperatures to get some candy and have some fun.
This was taken before we left.  I can not tell you how much I love this picture.  It cracks me up.  Judith looks especially plump, but she has on 2 layers of tights, a fleece hoody, and a long sleeved shirt under her Tinkerbell costume. 
I tried (to no avail) to get the kids to be a pirate crew for Halloween.  Jonas is a Neverland pirate and Judith is Tinkerbell, but Ezra was set on Luigi. I had thought of trying to push for a Super Mario trio but sadly, I could not find Princess Peach in a toddler size. The days of making them all be something cute together may be gone. *tear*

The Chick-Fil-A cow was dressed up as a knight.

A couple pictures of the kids trunk or treating.  Again let me say, it was 32 degrees!!  Burr!  They were troopers though.  I guess if you want candy badly enough...

Having a few munchies and warming up.

Just the beginning of a weekend full of Fall/Halloween fun!

Autumn Fun

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?  Leaves have overtaken our yard.  After Mike having bagged them once already, I decided to let the kids have some leafy fun.  I have really good memories of my Grandpa piling up leaves for us to play in and the weather has been lovely so it was definitely time. 


Mission accomplished.

Roller Skating

AWANA had a skate night so we took the kids roller skating for the first time ever.  It was sooo much fun!  Both Ezra and Jonas picked it up really fast.  This ol' girl was a little wobbly at first, but I was surprised how easily it came back after not having skated in more years that I care to remember.
They have these cool "trainers" now for new skaters.  We rented one, and I'm glad we did because I think it really helped build their confidence, but by the end of the night they weren't even using it!

As you can tell, Mom was in charge of the skating part.  Mike "doesn't skate".  I think you can tell by this picture that I may have been enjoying myself a little too much.  ;)

It's a lot of fun to have the kids be a little older now and we can start doing some really fun family stuff!  We were pleasantly surprised with how well they did and can't wait to go back!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Foliage Drive

Since this will be our last fall in Colorado, I was begging for Mike to take me on a drive through the mountains to see the beautiful foliage. 
He finally gave in and we headed north about 3 1/2 hours to Estes Park.  Then we turned south onto Colorado's oldest scenic byway--established in 1918.  This was taken just south of Estes Park.
We ate a picnic lunch at Lily Lake with a great view of Longs Peak (the one with snow on it).

This was the best (sadly enough...)  of many attempts to get a decent picture of the kids.  You can clearly tell that my 5, 4 and 2 year old were not cooperating. 

We had to get back for game night with our small group (which I did not want to miss of course),  so there wasn't much time to stop.  Mike was gracious enough to allow me several quick photo ops when he pulled over to the side of the road along with dozens of other cars.

These are a couple of pictures from the weekend before.  We saw Curious George at Toy Station.

Ezra and Jonas with some Star Wars storm troopers at an Austim Speaks walk we participated in.