Saturday, July 09, 2011

The last of Cassis pics

Mike is back from his 3 month TDY.  Yay!  We have lots of trips lined up for our last 4 months overseas, so I figured I should get the remaining pictures from our last trip blogged before we have any more pics to post. 


On Day 3 we hung out in Cassis.  We took it easy in the morning.  Mike and the boys played at the apartment and Mommy and Judith hit the local market.  Then we went to ride the carousel by the beach.

The family on the beach in Cassis.

On Day 4 we went to Arles.  There is another amazing Roman arena here where bullfights and other displays take place.  It was raining so we decided on a petit tourist train to see the city.  In this picture you can see one of the towers left over from when they bricked it up and used it as a fortress during the Middle Ages. 

Brother hug.

"Hurry up random guy taking the picture for us!  It's raining!"

Riding another carousel in Arles.  Jonas is on the famous Arles bull.  Bulls are also emblematic of this area because in the Camargue (delta region just south of Arles) bulls and horses live in the wild and are reared for bullfights. 

A huge temple between where we parked the car and where we got on the little train.


On day 5 we hung out in Cassis again.  During the morning we drove along the cliffs.  Because there were no railings (except at the very highest point) to protect wandering children from going over the edge and falling to their certain deaths, we only brought 1 child with us at a time at the various points where we stopped. 

No railings, but there was a sign to remind us of the dangers...

Confidence in a Speedo on the beach in Cassis.

Ezra and Daddy enjoying the water.  It was pret-ty chilly.

Although Judith looks like the likely culprit, it was actually Daddy who buried Jonas.

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