Sunday, July 17, 2011


It took about 6 1/2 hours of driving to get us to Berlin, Germany.  We settled into our apartment and then took a bus to the West side of the city.  We went into the remains of  Kaiser Wilhelm  Memorial church.  It has been stabilized, but not repaired since the bombings during WWII.  The very small part that we could go into was beautiful, but I was really disappointed by the exterior.  The outside of the building was COMPLETELY  covered in scaffolding.  We couldn't see any of the tower.  :( 

Our next stop was Hard Rock Cafe.  Judith's first time.

This was a building near our apartment.  The wall in front is not part of the infamous Berin Wall.  There is just one small part (memorial) where the wall remains standing.

A building on the corner of the street our apartment was on.

A map of 1960s Berlin near Checkpoint Charlie.

Checkpoint Charlie.  The point in the American sector where foreigners could cross from East Berlin to the West. 

These guys were not official US military.  :)  If they were, I don't think they would have charged us 2Euro for the picture.  They were however, VERY friendly and seemed to enjoy their jobs.

The bear is the Berlin mascot.  These guys were all over the place.  (Like the steers in Houston.)

This is the Memorial section of the Berlin Wall.  On the left of the photograph was where the Gestapo and SS offices were located.  The buildings have been torn down, but under the glass is kind of an open air museum retelling of the Nazi Party's rise to power and the events that followed.  It is actually in the "basement" of the demolished buildings. 

Where the wall no longer stands there are stones (or steel in this location) that follows the path of where the wall once stood. 

This is the beautiful Berliner Dom.  We didn't go inside.  Ezra was in an anti-picture mood, but you can see him heading off toward the fountain on the back left.

Jonas paying homage to the arts on Museum Island.

This is the National Gallery.

Mike and the boys dwarfed by the Brandenberg Gate.

The boys and a Berlin bear.  Yes, this is the landmark you have seen in pictures and videos of Nazi rallies.

A photo op while we were waiting on Mike to come out with our Starbucks Coffee.

Allison Family at the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin.

This was an awesome Jewish Memorial.  We were supposed to be appropriately mindful of the great loss Jews suffered during WWII.  We tried to be, but it was hard in such a great place to run and play.  I think we would have been the only ones observing such silence and reflection as most folks were climbing, eating, and running among the blocks. 

 It was impossible to find children once we lost sight of them, which of course was an endless game for them.  This picture was taken minutes before they ran off again, hiding amidst the stone pillars.

Enjoying an ice cream across from the Memorial.  Despite the chilly, windy 60 degree weather, it's never too cold for ice cream!

This is the equivalent of our White House.  The president was in residence because the flag was flying.

We intended to tour the Reichstag (the Parliment building), but it was only open by appointment on Saturday.  That didn't stop us from playing on the grassy lawn in front of it though!

 Ezra was anti-picture again.  He was only concerned with "being a bear".

Jonas actually took this picture.  Awesome, huh?!?!


Jen Maguire said...

love all the kiddo pictures!!! miss you my friend!!!

Jon, Rach, Jeremiah said...

that looks like an awesome time! love all the great pictures of the family :)