Sunday, April 17, 2011

Daddy's Gone Again

 Mike left again last Saturday.  He is supporting Operation Odyssey Dawn in an undisclosed (but relatively safe) location.  The first few days were rough--mostly because Judith was very sick all weekend.  We weren't able to leave the house until Tuesday (which apparently was too soon, because she threw up all over me and her at the store).  But by Thursday, she was back to her usual, happy self.  Praise the Lord!  This is a picture of her from over the weekend.  She slept MOST of the weekend and when she was awake, this was pretty much all she would do.  Poor baby.  

Mike had the day off on Friday, so we spent the morning at the park and had a picnic lunch.

 Judith at the park.  11 1/2 months.

Mike pushing the boys on the swing.

Mike trying to show them how to swing.  (But really just enjoying himself--the boys were annoyed that he was going so high, while there was no one to push them anymore.:) 

 Such a smiley boy.

Judith enjoying her time on the swing as well.

Daddy and Judith.

Ezra on the rocking lion.

Mike took these of the boys.  They were all just playing--chasing each other with a balloon, making silly faces, etc.  Fun.

This one cracks me up!

Playing nicely together.

Took this of Judith today after church.  She was sporting some cute leg warmers.  :)

Next up, Judith's birthday blog!  Our sweet baby girl turns 1 on Friday!

2 comments: said...

Erin Judith's curls are beautiful. I love that hair.

Janette said...

Can't believe she's turning one already!! Oh, and boo that Mike is gone again. But to be able to handle that, you are SUPERWOMAN!! :)