Monday, July 19, 2010


Despite our recent trips to small, European circus' that didn't go over particularly well with Ezra, I wanted to take them to "The Greatest Show on Earth" while it was in Houston. They both did a really good job and were entertained most of the time.

We went early and were able to see the animals in their cages. We were impressed with how healthy and well groomed they all looked.

It was super expensive. Between me, the boys, and my mom, we bought 2 hot dogs, and all shared a lemonade for $22. Yikes! We all had a good time though, so maybe it was worth it. :)

Here some pics of the kids chilling on the couch.

Judith is 12 weeks old.

Here is a loud video of the boys playing. It's not too spectacular, but Jonas does a couple of funny things. When I ask him to show his "bad day" face (from a Franklin book we've been reading) he tried to cross his arms and put his head down. Also, toward the end, I'm trying to back down the hallway, and then Jonas wants to walk backwards down the hallway too.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a fun outing! Jonas is looking older to me--like a kid instead of a toddler.