Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

For Mike:
Sorry that the pictures aren't the greatest. If I had had more foresight, I would have had Laney do some portraits of the kids BEFORE now so that we would have really great pictures to show you for Father's Day. But alas, family picture day is scheduled for the day after Father's Day. :( But I took these today and I hope they make you smile. Thanks for being such a great Daddy, husband, and airman. I love you!

Judith says: Dear Daddy, I'm giving you the gift of not having to change my diapers for the next 6 months.

Jonas says: Dear Daddy, I give you the gift of not being bitten or slobbered on for the next 6 months.
Ezra says: Dear Daddy, I give you the gift of not climbing on top of you to sit on your head for the next 6 months.The Allison children say: Daddy, we're sad that you're not here with us, but we're so proud that you are serving our country and providing for us in such a special way. We love you, pray for you everday, and know that you'll be back to play with us before we know it!

Happy Father's Day!!

1 comment:

Janette said...

Aww, that made me tear up a little bit!! I'm proud of your husband too...and for you, being the one to care for three kiddos for the next 6 months!!