Thursday, May 06, 2010

Judith-2 weeks

I can't believe I'm on time this week, especially since we are all sick. Boo. Jonas is the only one who has run a fever, but we all have the sniffles, and coughs. The aspirator and saline drops are Judith's best friends right now, and hopefully it won't develop into anything else! What a bad time for us to catch a family bug. Mike was off most of this week too, so it's definitely been a blessing to have him around since all the kids (and me) are extremely needy in their varying degrees of sickness.

This is what Jonas looked like on his worst days earlier in the week. Poor kid.

Again, a plethora of pictures (you should see all the ones I didn't post) from Mike and I playing with the camera. Here's a pic of Ezra cleaning up some spilled water. What a helpful boy! Well, I guess it would have been helpful if he hadn't spilled in the first place...

Judith also had her first bath this week. I can't say that she was a huge fan, but it was over quickly and then all was well. She sure did smell purty after it though.

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