Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hope everyone had a fun and same Halloween. We did!
I took Ezra out Thursday night to a little Halloween party. It wasn't that great, but the best part was that Ezra got his face painted. That's a new thing for him because before now, he wouldn't have sat still long enough or wanted a stranger to be messing with his face. But he did great and had a pumpkin on his cheek to show for it. I forgot to take a picture. :(

Jonas was an Ewok.

Ezra was Darth Vader.

On Friday night, Mike's squadron hosted a trunk or treat. These are pictures from trick or treating from trunk to trunk.

On Saturday, I took the kids out to a trail in the woods in an attempt to take some pictures of the beautiful foliage. Of course, the pictures do not do the vibrant colors of the leaves justice. It was cloudy, and the woods made the pictures even darker. The camera couldn't decide if it wanted to use the flash or not, so I wasn't really too happy with the way the pictures turned out, but maybe you can get some idea. If nothing else, the boys really had a fun time running around on the trails, climbing on fallen trees, and playing in the leaves that would fall with the slightest breath of wind. (Mike was working on a paper for school.)

We carved our pumpkin on Halloween and to my disappointment, the boys weren't really as into it as I thought they would be. I guess it was a little too foreign to them. Jonas ventured his hand into the pumpkin a couple of times, but I don't think he was crazy about the cold, wet, sliminess. They did however, enjoy the pumpkin once it had a face and a candle inside. We took these pictures right before we left to trick or treat at the on-base housing. Jonas had a blast. He was practically running from house to house. He couldn't say "trick or treat", but he was putting his basket up. Because he's only been walking for a few months and still kind of waddles, he REALLY looked like an Ewok and got lots of compliments on his cuteness.

We finally had Jonas dedicated this past Sunday. Here is a picture of some of our church family praying for us to raise Jonas with the Lord's guidance.
These two are during the words that Pastor Darryl spoke.

This one where we are facing away from the camera is of Mike and I answering the questions as to whether we will commit to be godly parents. We will (or do the best we can. :)

Mike and Jonas before church. What handsome boys!

I took this video the other day when the boys were watching a video that had the song "The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round" and they were kind of singing and doing the motions. I would have deleted the video, because they weren't singing nearly as emphatically as they usually do, but the funny part is when Jonas accidentally hit Ezra in the eye as he's doing a motion. Aw, man. I thought I was successful in editing the video to right after the part where Ezra gets hit. Apparently I wasn't. The rest of the video is really nothing. I don't know why I continued to record. But feel free to watch it if you're interested in seeing what Jonas looks like as he eats popcorn on the couch.

I took this video as we were trick or treating. I wanted to get Ezra saying, "Trick or treat". He was doing such a good job. But instead he ended up saying, "Happy Halloween" and it was still pretty cute.

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