Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Corfu, Greece and shipmates

The second stop on our cruise was Corfu, Greece. I was a little disappointed because I had heard from a couple people that Corfu was their favorite stop on their cruise. I'm sure there are some really beautiful parts of Corfu, but we didn't really see them. We took the shuttle to the other side of
It dropped us off in front of the Old Fort. We wandered around a bit and climbed to the top for some good views of the city, but it was kind of unremarkable.
We had cappuccinos and croissants at a little cafe. There were tons of teenagers hanging out on the outdoor patio. I asked the waitress if it was a holiday. She said no. Then I asked why all those kids weren't in school. She just shrugged like it was no big deal. Funny...I guess--the diffence in the emphasis on education.

We began our trek back through the city to our ship. We wanted to walk to this building because on the map it looked like it was the Old Palace. However, after taking this picture, Mike noticed a sign that said "Asian Culture Museum". Another disappointment.

We walked aaalllll the way back to the ship. This picture was taken from the top of the Old Fort. That's our ship in the port. Yeah. That's how far we walked.

So back on the ship, we found our first towel animal, which I was REALLY excited about.

This was the view of Corfu on the way out of the port. You can see the Old Fort in the upper left.

A towel elephant. Maybe my favorite towel animal.

Mike and me on our first formal night.

The guys from table 72.

All the couples from our table.

The girls from our table.

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