Ezra's surgery went fine for the most part. He screamed and cried when they put the mask on for the anesthesia. And he screamed and cried when we was waking up. He was crying long before he could move his limbs or even open his eyes.
He didn't seem to be in any pain, but as you can tell, he was definitely not himself. He had some bleeding in one ear during his nap, but then said that was normal. They gave us a solution to put in there to clean it out, but he HATES it. I can't tell if it's actually hurting him, or if he's just scared of it. But he protests that, like he's never protested anything ever before so I wonder... We have a post post op appointment next Monday, so hopefully the Dr. will actually be able to see the site--without all the blood and tell us everything is good. We will also learn the results of his hearing test.
This is Jonas after Ezra's surgery. Happy as ever.
We put the kids down about 8:30 every night and then check on them again when we go to bed about 10 or 10:30. This is what we found in Ezra's room a few nights ago. Recently, he's only wanted to wear a diaper to bed--no jammies. But apparently this night he was anti-diaper as well. No mess in the bed thank goodness.
This past weekend, I (and Jonas) attended a ladies retreat in Italy--north of Milan. It was great to see old friends from Milan, and Elisa and Elizabeth from Aviano as we studied God's word together. I was a little distracted with teething Jonas around my neck the whole time, but it was still a great time. It was so awesome to be back in Italy--like coming home (not the same as Texas, but close). This is Villa Cagnola where the retreat was. We didn't actually get to stay in the Villa, but at the newer conference center attached to it.
This was the church down the hill. I miss hearing the bells in Italy. I hear them every once in a while in Germany, but not near as frequently as Italy.
This car was parked outside of the conference center.
Jonas had a great time hanging out with Mom all weekend.
These are just from playing in the back yard yesterday. Ezra is waving at me. His eyes are squinty because it was so cotton-pickin' bright! I guess our eyes need time to adjust after not seeing the sun all winter...
Jonas has officially figured out how to climb up and sit in the car by himself. Getting out is a little trickier though, as a bump on his head today is a testament of.
Going up or coming down?
Ezra on his slide.
Erin and Jonas.
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