Friday, March 13, 2009

Hurray for the internet being back to normal (after almost 3 weeks)! I have several videos and lot of pics to upload. The videos are a couple of weeks old, but the pics are from today and yesterday. Yesterday was Jonas 9 month birthday. He weighs 20 lbs.
Today, Ezra is 2 yrs and 1 month.

Ezra and his cheesey smile.>

We learned last Friday that Ezra has fluid in his ears again, and will need undergo surgery to put tubes in. Ezra had fluid in his ears (we know for sure) from about 13-16 months, but has possibly had fluid more often or for longer periods of time than we realize. He never shows an pain or
tugging at his ears and his balance is fine, so we never know when he's having the problem. At his 2 yr check up, we found out that his speech is a little delayed. He says lots of words, but many of them don't sound anything like they should. They will also test his hearing when he's under anesthesia to see if there's any actual hearing loss. Please pray that the anesthesia and surgery goes well, and that his hearing is fine. His surgery is scheduled for the 25th.

This one is really dark. I was trying to take it with his name behind him, but the window made the lighting difficult. The letters are a little crooked right now...>
The first video was when was playing with Jonas. They have a bus that sings a song and lights up. He was loving it and laughing a lot, but I think he was mad that I stopped playing with him to go get the camera, because he was not nearly as amused once I started filming. I added it though, because toward the end when I turn the camera on Ezra, he smiles and squints in anticipation of the flash (even though it was the video and not the camera) and I thought that was really funny.

The second video is mostly for the grandparen'ts benefit. It's Ezra opening the ferry that Nana and Grandpa sent him for his birthday. He finally says "thank you" although, it doesn't sound anything like it should. Then he says "Nana". He also does the smile and squint thing at the end. Too funny.

I love, love, love this picture. Jonas was standing up and I had the camera out taking pics of him, and Ezra came over and looked at the camera with me. Then I told Ezra to go give Jonas a hug and I would take a picture of him. So he did! Love it!
This one is sweet too. I guess it would be too much to ask that both of them would look at the camera...

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