Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday was Jonas' 6 month birthday. We celebrated by going to the Dr for a check up and getting some shots. :( We got some more medicine for his eczema. Although it's a steroid, we have decided to try it and his face already looks a lot better. I took this picture of the boys in their red and green flannel shirts. I included the one of Jonas trying steal Ezra's book because it's funny.

We went to the Christmas market in Heidelberg on Saturday. It was so crowded. This is a pic of some nice houses across the river in Heidelberg. There's a cool castle there, but by the time we were close enough for a good picture, it was way too dark to take pictures. We had been through Heidelberg once, and it seemed really cool, but we didn't get to see anything because it was dark. So this time we were aiming to arrive about 2:30 and enjoy the city in the daylight, but didn't get parked and start walking around until about 4:30. It's twilight by that time and dark not long after, so despite our efforts, we still did not get to see very much during the daylight. The picture was in the Christmas market. I'm not sure what these things are called, but in the normal sized versions, you put a candle in it and the heat from the candle makes the top spin. This was a giant one, and there was a food vendor set up inside. I'm not sure if the spinning was motorized or not, but it was still pretty neat.

This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago when we went to pi
ck out our tree. The evergreens that they use as Christmas trees here, are not the same type we use in the States so they look pretty pitiful to us with their short needles and sparse branches. But we're getting used to it. This isn't the

best picture, but I wanted you to see what Jonas' shirt said.

And a picture of Ezra playing in the snow.

I bought this outfit for Jonas before he was born. Who knew he would be such a big boy and that it wouldn't fit him at Christmas time. So I just snapped a couple of pics and took it off. We'll save it for the next boy (if there is one...). Also, I included the picture on the right because Mom says that in a lot of Jonas' pictures, he has this totally surprised look on his face. I thought the pic on the right was a good example of that. :) The lights behind him are the Christmas tree lights.

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