Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just a few quick pics... First dual bath. As we have to pay for water at this house, and as Jonas is pretty much sitting on his own, there will many more double baths to come. Plus, having a brother in the bath with you makes it twice as fun!

Another first: Ezra's first night in his big boy bed. He donated his crib to Jonas. He's done pretty well so far.

Jonas' 5 month birthday. What a handsome boy! Even if he does have eczema cheeks. Poor kid. Some days are better than others for the redness. Of course they had to be bad for this picture...

Matching jammies!

We love our brother!


Janette said...

SOOO cute---I love it!! :) They are both getting so big! I can't believe Jonas is already pretty much sitting up. My sister and I used to have lots of fun with the dual they both finally have someone to play with! :)

Mary said...

They're all cute, but I especially like the one of Jonas in the sweater vest. Adorable smile :-)

D. Lo. said...

What a happy baby!!!!! I adore his smile. :)