Sunday, November 02, 2008

As most of you know, we are currently in temporary lodging at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. We have been searching for a house, have narrowed it down to two and will be making our decision this week. Hopefully, it won't take too long to move in. The first several pictures were taken at our last Sunday school fellowship where we had a pumpkin carving contest. We did not win "most creative" or "most artistic", but we did when the best prize--"most spiritual". Ha! The picture of our zebra and lion was taken right before we went "trunk or treating" at Aviano.

In other news, we had our first trip to the emergency room. Ezra fell in the room and busted his head on the tile, where the tile meets the carpet. I was alone with the kids and had NO idea where to go or how to get there, so I called the emergency number. So I firetruck and then an ambulance showed up to assist us. We went to the ER where they gave him 3 staples to close the wound. It's a little hard to see. They even stapled some of his hair in there. (Apparently, that's ok.) He was a trooper though.

Our hotel is right next to some on base housing, so I took Ezra around to a few houses just to have the experience. He did great and was even saying "thank you" by then end of the night.

Here's a pic of one of our perpective houses. Mike likes this

one because it's in the country and has a great view of the surrounding countryside. I like it too, but it's 20-30 min from base and doesn't have a fence around the back yard. The other is a townhouse with neighbors (ugh), but it's waaayyyy closer to town. Mike could be at work in 10 minutes, and we could potentially walk to church. But it's surrounded by Americans (which to us is a negative). Decisions, decisions....

Gotta go. Mike's watching the kids in the room so I can steal away a few minutes to come and blog. There's no internet in the room... :( :( :(


Matt and Amanda said...

I'm glad you guys made it to Germany safely. What do you think about it so far?

That's awful about Erza but it sounds like he is doing much better now.

Mom W said...

Can't wait to see which house you chose? Hope you move finishes up smoothly.
Poor little Ezre...his first big "boo-boo". I'm glad it wasn't serious and he only had 3 staples. Give him a kiss for Me-me. Give Jonas a kiss too.