Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yesterday, was Jonas' 1 month birthday and today is Ezra's 17 month birthday. These are some funny things Ezra has done lately. One day for lunch I was scrounging around for something to eat and I thought I would make us some corn dogs. Everyone knows they taste so much better cooked in the toaster oven as opposed to the microwave, but that takes like 20 minutes. So in the meantime, I gave Ezra some pudding (for calcium...). When his corn dog was ready, he insisted on dipping his corn dog in his pudding. He at most of it, and seemed to enjoy it. Yuck!

In the other picture you can get an idea of how much of a climber Ezra is. He pulled the clothes basket over to the kitchen door and succeeded in opening it. He however, did not manage to coordinate the opening of the door to the dismount off the basket. The first time he did this, he had a pretty good fall, but I wasn't sure how it had happened--I thought I had just left the door open. So I scooted the basket over, comforted him, and set him back down. A few minutes later, I heard the door handle rattling and went to investigate and this is what I found. :)

We had a get together at Andy and Jane's house on Sat. night and Ezra loved the kiddie pool. They also had the sprinkler on for the kids to run through, but Ezra was less enthralled with that. We had an enjoyable evening including dinner and games with 2 other couples.

Jonas has some baby acne going on, just like Ezra did. But other than that he's doing great.


Janette said...

1 month already?? Wow! I'm still hanging in there...hopefully it won't be too much longer; it's hot in Texas!! :) You look really great too!

Anonymous said...

you have such a cute little family, and i cannot believe how big Ezra is...climbing all over stuff! you're going to have your hands full once Jonas starts movin' around :) look awesome too, tan, with your cute curly hair