Thursday, July 03, 2008

Last Saturday, we celebrated Mike's 30th birthday with a couple of friends. We had burgers, brats, and cake in the back yard.

Here's Ezra in the outfit that came from Jennifer. She gave Ezra and Jonas matching Mickey outfits. We had our friend Elizabeth do some newborn portraits of Jonas this morning and the boys were in matching Mickey outfits but I had to change Jonas' colthes for his passport picture.

Jonas is 3 weeks old today. At his Dr. appt this week, we learned that he is eating too much. Breast fed babies are supposed to lose a little weight at first, but then be a pound over their birth weight by the time they are 2 weeks old. Jonas is 2 pounds over--9 lbs 12 oz! And an inch longer than he was at birth. The Dr. said his over-eating is contributing to his spitting up and gassiness. So we're utilizing a pacifier and only eating a maximum of every 2 hours (or more if he's sleeping). As opposed to me feeding him every time he cries. So when people say "he's growing so fast", he really is!

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