Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So I know I haven't blogged in a while. When I'm out of our normal routine, it doesn't happen as often as it should. We have been enjoying our time here in Houston. PapPa's had some really good days and some not-so-good days, but we are so glad we made the long, hard trip over the pond to be with our family during this time.

We have also enjoyed taking the boys to the mall. Ezra liked playing in the "big tree" play area and although he was a little unsure of the carousel at first, he loved it in the end. We could see it from where we were eating in the food court and he kept pointing at it indicating that he wanted to go again.

We also took him to a park where he got to chase the ducks, swing, and run down the slide.

At PapPa's, cousin Adam took Ezra for a ride around the back yard on PapPa's scooter.

Jonas' neck muscles are getting stronger every day. The picture of him holding his head up was actually taken about a week ago. He's smiling and every once in a while, we can solicit a little giggle.

PapPa has enjoyed holding his second great-grandson. They even took a little nap together. :)

Aunt Laura and Uncle Gary bought the boys Astros outfits. Jonas wore his to his first Astro game.
Today, Ezra is 17 1/2 months old and Jonas is 6 weeks old!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yesterday, was Jonas' 1 month birthday and today is Ezra's 17 month birthday. These are some funny things Ezra has done lately. One day for lunch I was scrounging around for something to eat and I thought I would make us some corn dogs. Everyone knows they taste so much better cooked in the toaster oven as opposed to the microwave, but that takes like 20 minutes. So in the meantime, I gave Ezra some pudding (for calcium...). When his corn dog was ready, he insisted on dipping his corn dog in his pudding. He at most of it, and seemed to enjoy it. Yuck!

In the other picture you can get an idea of how much of a climber Ezra is. He pulled the clothes basket over to the kitchen door and succeeded in opening it. He however, did not manage to coordinate the opening of the door to the dismount off the basket. The first time he did this, he had a pretty good fall, but I wasn't sure how it had happened--I thought I had just left the door open. So I scooted the basket over, comforted him, and set him back down. A few minutes later, I heard the door handle rattling and went to investigate and this is what I found. :)

We had a get together at Andy and Jane's house on Sat. night and Ezra loved the kiddie pool. They also had the sprinkler on for the kids to run through, but Ezra was less enthralled with that. We had an enjoyable evening including dinner and games with 2 other couples.

Jonas has some baby acne going on, just like Ezra did. But other than that he's doing great.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Last Saturday, we celebrated Mike's 30th birthday with a couple of friends. We had burgers, brats, and cake in the back yard.

Here's Ezra in the outfit that came from Jennifer. She gave Ezra and Jonas matching Mickey outfits. We had our friend Elizabeth do some newborn portraits of Jonas this morning and the boys were in matching Mickey outfits but I had to change Jonas' colthes for his passport picture.

Jonas is 3 weeks old today. At his Dr. appt this week, we learned that he is eating too much. Breast fed babies are supposed to lose a little weight at first, but then be a pound over their birth weight by the time they are 2 weeks old. Jonas is 2 pounds over--9 lbs 12 oz! And an inch longer than he was at birth. The Dr. said his over-eating is contributing to his spitting up and gassiness. So we're utilizing a pacifier and only eating a maximum of every 2 hours (or more if he's sleeping). As opposed to me feeding him every time he cries. So when people say "he's growing so fast", he really is!