Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am 23 weeks today. I am finally able to say, I think this pictures accurately portrays how I look and feel . Except I'm not sure you can appreciate how cold it is. When I took this picture it was about 36 degrees. That was at 2:30 in the afternoon. It's been in the low 20s and teens at night. Burrr. But it's been beautiful every day for almost 2 weeks, so it's been awesome--I love it!

Being 1 is hard work. Ezra is teething--still. I think the 1 yr molar on his right side is coming in. It's red and swollen and I expect it to make its appearance any day. He's been a little fussy, but for the most part, he just sleeps. I definitely don't have a problem with that! He'll sleep around 12 hours at night and take about a 3 hour nap during the day.

1 comment:

Janette said...

You're so cute and round!! :) You have the perfect pregnancy tummy...I hope I get that!