Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Our Big Boy!

Ezra is borrowing a play table from our friend Elisa, and he loves it! He stands for a LONG time when he plays with it. He can transfer from table to couch and back. He can also make his way down the length of the couch.

I have some toys in a basket on the bottom shelf of the changing table. One day he dumped out all the toys and eventually turned the basket over. Then he started to discover that if he stood on the basket, he could reach even higher on the changing table. I stopped him before he got more than one foot up on it though.

We're completely done with breastfeeding. He did really well with weaning. I think it was harder on me than it was for him.

He's 18 lbs now and still about 27 inches.

1 comment:

Mom W said...

Our little stinker sure is getting big. Before you know it he will be walking.
Hugs & Kisses